Don't lie, you used hacks. It's the only way to get a VAC ban, which according to is what you're going to get. Basically your account is now permanently 'untrusted' and soon you'll get fully VAC banned from CS: GO.
I use my own with my cousin.
as we paid half the game each.
i don't know if he uses something on your pc, since today when im playing in "casual" , in the 3rd round , the server automatically kick me.
Yeah yeah, it's always the cousin, the brother, the friend...
If you really are innocent, message steam support. If you are not, start thinking about the shit you do, DON'T EVER HACK AGAIN and buy csgo again, it's not that expensive.
@ ohaz:
the truth I'll buy denuevo, so you know "ohax" if you do not know better off not speak, Because the account the purchase with my cousin, if you want you i can send his facebook and mine for you to talk to him and show you the ticket.
PS: On the other hand you or your cousin is dumb, because you must have used a known (blacklisted) hack since this guy has had WH on in a game against me and still is not banned: (I've got a demo and he has sent me his hack upon request (ofc I didn't use it, just as a proof) but he seemed rather nice so I didn't bother to prosecute further against him)
@ RedizGaming: As some other people said, you have been cheating, VAC is automatic, it's not some people behind the screen that runs VAC. If you get caught cheating by VAC, ur pretty much screwed. Even if you're the president, they are more likely to ban another account than to remove the VAC-Ban.
Don't say that "valve sucks", they just do their jobs, they don't tolerate cheaters. Even if you didn't cheat, maybe ur cousin or whoever that uses that account beside you, were cheating.