But because I already put lots of work in it, and don't want this to be lost,
I uploaded it. The bubble machine still does not behave perfectly and the physics
are also not very logical and good gameplay at the moment. Also, for some reason,
projectiles sometimes explode immediately that are shot from inside. But at least, this tool
is usable and fun enugh, I hope. I uploaded it in the hope that any other CC
scripter may take this file and fix the messed up physics.
So, what is the Bubble Machine?
The Bubble Machine is a tool which, once installed, creates a big soap bubble
around it.
If you're inside the bubble, you can shoot normally any weapon from there. But
if you're outside try to shoot something at the bubble... then ... hehehe ...
the projectile bounces off!
This is for true bazookas, grenades, even dynamite bounces off. And airstrike
projectiles, too. Some things do not bounce off, for example Osama Bin Laden or
Adolf Hitler. (I told you that this is an early version, it is supposed to bounce
any weapon off).
The bubble machine has 50 HP and can be destroyed. You still can damage it from inside
the bubble, but beware, the bubble machine explodes if it is destroyed, dealing
little damage.
Oh, and if you set up the machine, your turn ends.
If any of you has suggestions how to fix the bugs or have notes to improve the
physics, please contact me. I would like to have a working bubble machine.
edited 1×, last 29.06.11 10:13:59 pm
Approved by SQ
113 kb, 469 Downloads